Saturday, November 1, 2008

San Francisco Trip Part Five

Ethan's Performance

We were so lucky to attend the "Ethan White Show" at the Paramount Theater in Oakland. Ethan had featured roles in all three of the ballets in the performance, including Romeo in Romeo and Juliette. He was fantastic and his picture was posted all over. As we shopped earlier in the day we kept running into him on signs and windows throughout Oakland. He was quite the poster boy.

Even Skip and Bonnie got into the spirit of the night. The Paramount Theater is amazing. It is an art-deco style theater and there was live music in the pit for all three of the ballets. I took shots of the theater and orchestra before I got in trouble and was told there is "no photography allowed" in the Paramount. I was such a rebel.

We attended a reception afterward where it was announced that Oakland Ballet received a 200,000 dollar grant. Wow, in the economy today this was a huge uplift for them. Maybe they will hire Ethan more and we can enjoy his dancing for years to come.

I love you Ethan and you were amazing. I am impressed with all you have accomplished and can't wait to see what you will do next!

1 comment:

Stacey and Mel said...

Mandie, fun blog! I know you told me about it a while ago, but I think it was on my school email, and you know how much you can't access there. Anyway, I finally just found it and loved it. Sounds like life is going well. Your kids are beautiful and thanks for keeping in touch with the pics and such even when I don't! Hey, did you ever find any way to print your blog? I want to print mine too, and I've searched around, but so far I haven't found an easy solution! Let me know.