Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend!

It was quite an eventful weekend with lots of pictures. I know they are a bit out of order but you will get the idea:
First we have the wishbone--it was amazing--split right down the middle. This really made it easy for the sibling rivalry thing!

They were so cute about it and I am glad it worked out so perfectly.

We went bowling and I had to take a picture of the final score. I will not tell you who is who in order to protect some of the players' prides:)

Violet slept through the first half and then took over Blaise's turn (he hit the arcade!) She was great and quite spirited--where could she get that from?!

Blaise is a natural too, I think he gets if from Uncle Bean and maybe not Bops.

Violet was napping and I had to take photos because she never sleeps in my arms.

I truly don't believe there is anything better than a sleeping child in my arms. I love it! Precious and Priceless...I hope it wasn't the last time my babies do that!

Gotta love this photo. He was so good we could hardly even get a shot of him whizzing by. Love you dad-but stick with pool.

Super Nani!!!

She is really sleeping...Aren't I just the luckiest mom on the planet!?

This was the thanksgiving dessert. Violet's favorite part was the whipped cream and helping with the dishes. She half bathed in the sink "helping" for 30 minutes while we hand washed the good dishes.

I am ever thankful for my kids, my family, friends, good food and the wonderful life I get the pleasure to live every day.

Nikki was even able to make it...too bad it was only for 24 hours. She is always great to have around, too bad it is not more often and longer.

Pretty Violet with a messy face and snow in the background.

Alex the super masher extraordinaire-he can also carve a mean turkey. A man of many talents. This was the first full thanksgiving meal I have done. It all came off pretty well. Here is what I learned though #1 Turkey bags are good #2 Low-Fat mashed potatoes are not

Prepping the meal after a fun day of soccer in the rain followed by hot tottys!

I love this one!

Blowing up the air mattresses. We had a full house and by the way I do not like sleeping on an air mattress when it deflates and Violet tries to kick me out!

It was a great weekend and so fun to have the boys here and be active and eat tons!

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