Saturday, November 8, 2008


We had a great Halloween! We started at the Agora Shopping Center for Trick-or-Treating and costume parade and contest. We actually won the over all grand prize. We were the "Fairytale Family." I was a princess, Blaise was a knight, and Violet was a dragon. It may have been a little rigged (I know one of the judges) but it was fun anyway. Blaise was "Sir Talks a lot" Violet was "Dippity Do Dragon" (she said she was a "nice dragon not a mean one") and I was Princess Bailey Beautiful. My mom, Blaise and Violet came up with our names.

After the Agora fun we did the traditional Trick or Treating for the first time. We made it to 4 houses. Next year maybe we can do 6! Then we went to a Halloween party. It was a fun day filled with candy, costumes and face paint--just the way Halloween should be.

Happy Halloween 2008!!!!

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